Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love , Culture, Society

A long waited subject of mine to write on this forum.O sorry there is no forum because except me only 2 person may read this blog, one is my wife and another is my friend chotu.( whom I follow & vice versa... ha ha ha ...)
Ok Ok .. still then I will write for my '' Ander ki Saanti '' ..
Love unites people - simple definition. All others definition adds to this. I think so.If Love does anything other than this then you have ample evidence to suspect it as love or somewhat else instead. Culture is developed to nurture and cultivate more love in us and propagate the message of love , I think.And again same philosophy applies here also that if it does not deliver the same function at some particular time then we have to get rid of such culture and restructure our culture or thinking. -a group of people who have some culture of some sort(any) and each is having love and compassion to each other. And again if the Society you see is anything other than this then that is something else than Society.
What I want to say is that simpler in many ways. Only thing is that we see it in many complex manners.In love we always tried to find loopholes. In culture we always try to forget that it subject to time,which is always changing.So must be the Culture.And similarly in Society we always try to forget the basic bonds that cause a society to form. We took pride of being called as a society but do a little to improve our societal values.
I am not here to say that everything we are doing till now are negative .. We are doing something , still there are rays of hopes which are still waiting for us to be explored.The Society should be rethinking over the culture it nurtures till date and the culture should be such that the basic pillar of it should be Love.(Uniting People)--- I love the Times of India Initiative ''AMAN KI ASHA''- which bolsters our basic societal values in result developing a new time based culture and propagates love among us.....

1 comment:

abk321 said...

good one...........

could have made the first 2 paragraphs much simpler.