Friday, July 24, 2009

Rainy days

 These days  are the most beautiful days if it rains, i think so.Because if in summer people used to have sweat due to hot climate and all that, similarly in in rainy days  rain must be there to soothe our body. I am very happy that this year it is raining properly at least.
As it is raining outside my mind also got affected  by this. There was flood today in my brain-river. I was thinking of many things in my life, which supports also quitting my job -sort of it.
I was just thinking of many possibilities of near future .Today I thought of  many new good ideas to capture my imagination .I really observed that not always an idle mind is a devil's workshop.i have enjoyed thinking over many new ideas thatmay or may not be change my course of life.
let's hope we should not have the same routine life as our elder generation has shown us.

1 comment:

Seetharaman said...

hey motu.. have u ever dreamed or thought of givin me a birthday gift.. dont forget its 15th may... i thought i must remind u as u might think about ur future again..

motu dont take it to heart.. coz its me seethu... ur friend..