Sunday, April 19, 2009

music and me

After a long time i just sit and listen to some good song in my computer. I love this guy A.r rahman. he just like a god in creating music. I love and listen to every music he makes. his music just pierce into my ears like an easy going river and soothe my mind .
after a long and hectic schedule of shopping with my wife i just exhausted and sat on my computer to surf   with bad headache.
And logged in into for some music search. found Delhi 6 .. i am listening to it now. my headache is gone 90% now after 20 mins..
thanks to the music by A.R rahman .And another thing-- i have created another blog site today named
i have created to  pen down some of my experiences of growing up of myself in an Indian family. and what i am experiencing  nowadays about building a family.

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