Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We have very good discussion  on todays lunch. Three friends - me , seetharaman(a Tamil Brahmin)and rama gopal sarabu were taking our lunch in our canteen this morning. Seetha asked Gopal about his food habits means whether he is vegetarian or not?
Here starts a discussion about why people discriminate non-veg items  from vegetables and how they actually discriminate?I fundamentally believe  we Indians are mindless creatures and sometimes the most weird animals in the whole planet in our food  habits.? why because we really follow our traditions not logic or reasoning.Basic thing is we did not ask questions- why?Tradition may be good or bad, but the worst is we really don't want to indulge in any kind of violating scenario.The fear of isolation from community is very strong in Indian mind.
Gopal argued logically if we decide not to eat non-veg items such as meat or fish or egg on the basis that they are the direct output of a animal then how come we can take milk as a pious thing in our customs. Good point-once my brother made this point very vividly although he also left eating non-veg items then.Then I can not argue with my brother because i also did not know the exact reason ,but now i can answer all sorts of myths around these nonsenses.
It is very simple as that  our ancestors who told us to avoid so called non-veg items ,they did not discriminate on the basis which we follow now. They followed a different logic. They noticed a significant and very powerful evidences against these foods . They found that these kind of foods which we fondly say as non-veg in common are powerful enough to increase our body's latent power to different level which dominates all your good energy. That does not mean that by taking all those stuff you will be a bad man or something like that, but if you want to be do good in spiritual activities like prayers and meditations and all these kind of stuff then better avoid these conflicting foods. Because food are the basic things which later goes to your mind as thoughts. And they did not tell that because you kill the animal and take its flesh that is why you can not eat it.you  can eat those stuff but if you want to get closer to the spiritual relief then do not take those stuff.
These vegetarianism and non-vegetarianism actually are the products of the English people. They know nothing about our methods. but we also forgot our own logic(tradition) by following them unconditionally
( whatever they say,write,experiment are right).We normally don't take those foods because they arouse evil-powers in us. and hinders our concentration from being a noble man and know our inner selves..The so called SAADHANAA-UPAASANAA-AARADHANAA  requires such foods that clears your body,mind and soul.
So, ask why before following traditions....In my next blogs I would like to mention which food we are told to take and which are not ..and  why?

1 comment:

Seetharaman said...

GGGRRRRrrrrr.... motu mention me as seethu.. not seetha.. though u call me so.. coz people might feel am a girl...

recently when my friend submitted my form for my degree certificate in university office, they asked whether seetharaman is a girl or boy... how dare themm..and stupid too...