Saturday, February 8, 2014

Biggest Mystery-Life

One day in college,teacher randomly asked about life.Actually the next poem was on life.Hence, she wanted to collect perspectives of life from the audience..Fellow students said many things.I ,as an introspective guy in those days,answered " Life is a mystery and we are born to live the riddle and if possible solve it."
I never read these lines nor I have a good memory for one-liners,but it was a kind of impromptu ..

I believe this is true ..sometimes life is bliss,sometimes excruciating,sometimes both at the same moment ..
This both at the same moment surprises me the most ..Though there are many examples to this  experiences , ,I don't want to go into that ,for now.Everybody must have been feeling such experiences at many times.

I think ,we make our life easier by putting goals/objectives .Goal may be good,bad for society we live in.
But, we believe in our goals for a duration on this planet and use our strength to achieve something towards it.And by all these ,we never felt the puzzle of life so difficult,isn't it?
Adolf Hitler easily exterminated  thousands of lives - as his Objective was clear- no Jews in German's grand & pure nation.
Many such examples are there..

The big question still lies -- what is the way to solve the riddle?
why we are born/who we are/where we came from/where will we go/what is this body doing with us/what-if this body is not there with us- many questions are there...
But we want to have a easy life and hence make silly objectives and follow them...

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