When I look like dull dog,actually something picturesque thoughts are being processed.Normally they don't have any concern about me also.And that part is always attracting me to think over all these. I basically question sometimes whether those beautiful thoughts just come across my mind or to everybody on earth.. Thoughts are food of brain- I learned somewhere.So, my food keeps coming through different media.Sometimes in very odd and awkward channels.
The thought of oneness with the total humankind and all around you is great feeling .Our all great scriptures and all great spiritual leaders in history pointed out to learn to feel like that,Although ironically the way we brought up in our families never geared up for us that . Because we all are trained to survive a competitively world-i.e to win a cut throat competition, to beat everyone to remain on top always. And this,in a way, kills all the very good thought of oneness which I feel the world over need the most now. What for we compete . It is not a jungle,if it was, it should not be so also. we should make a world free of jealousy and competition which converts a rather human into animal.Competition should always be with one self's past moment to his/her future next moment.
The spiritual experiences are always said to be hidden in oneself, not to discuss as per our great gurus sayings..I would like otherwise sometimes as I feel spreading those experiences creates some more minds to be aware of that. Recently we were in dwaraka temple. actually temple is just a medium to channelise with those thought process.This GOD thing of each religion is a very beautiful concept to reflect human being's greatness and crystallize in a a wood or a stone or a book or a statue or prophets or angels or stories.We are not such dumb now to not understand this simple thing of GODLINESS of all religion.So , we should learn & we are learning.Thanks to great consciousness revolution taken place by so many medium like internet,Tvs, Media of different format and mostly the people and their good thoughts.
Even in Gurudwara, or Church or simple peaceful jungle or in lonely toilet can also make you feel pious if you want to feel those. I felt an unknown Utopian oneness with the whole universe like the whole world is mine and I am the whole .....there is a Sanskrit mantra for this So-Aham- that means He is me-I am Him.This is always also uttered unknowingly by all of us from our nasal strips(according to GURUS ). I was so overwhelmed with that thought that I would never want to forget.
I know this is an awkward topic for Blog, but still I think this oneness is spreading in different format in world now.Looking into different media structures present now, there will be time when the world over will consciously feel about this oneness. Hope we will be there to see that thought revolution fully materialize or might be it is continuous process which never ends.
Irrespective of belief on GOD we should start to believe in this future and make it happen. If there were any GOD also,HE will also be happy with his great creation's victory over its shortcomings.
as u said,'food for thought',the same way, competition is 'food to advance in life'. Whether you agree with it or not, that's the hard fact......... and somewhere and sometime, one has to learn it.
well I hope U will understand someday what i want to say... But till then best of luck , because it is very difficult to understand these simple facts or i call it rules of life.
We see competition on surface but what the nature/almighty/god/holybook (whatever) wants to tell us through that is different from what we observe or eventually learn.
It depends upon person to person
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