Wednesday, October 7, 2009

LEON- The Hit-Man(Movie Just I saw)

I have just seen this film.Just love the way those two characters mathilda and leon act in the film.. I just can not remember the male actors name. but i saw many films of him fighting ,defending.But this time emotions are stronger part to play in his role. and He did justice to his part.. I really loved watching his movie.
A strange kind of love story it wants us to tell through the film. I can not digest , but just can no ignore it- it may also happen  like many other unexpected things in our life.
i love one or two dialogue of this movie also- mathilda asked "do you like it".leon responded yes. then mathilda queried then say it..And another instance Mathilda asked  whether life is such a hard only in childhood days or forever?Leon responded coolly it is hard forever.
That is very true.Life is always like that. it is not simple as we most expect from it.

1 comment:

abk321 said...

enough of film-study........ why don't you become a film critic