Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blogging or Twitting

I am just thinking of the Title of the story I am going to write. Sorry this is not a story. I am confused because I just want to write down something .My life is missing something. I know when everything comes to you as per your wish, then this type of  misery occurs.I really need some adventure or risk in my life.I have to do something.

This blog is more or less like a twitter account for me. I really dont understand why I am writting all the bullshit.
I heard that if you are an expert of something then you can use blog as a source of income for yourself.So  what  kind of expert I am . I studied some subject for 4 long years. I never can boast of being an expert of that subject.

This blog is like a diary of me. I just keep tracing it to find out where did I hang out last Sunday or last year same day.

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