Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Parents.

hey!! i am practicing a new thing--- to write about something in one page in my office diary whenever time and mood permits.
Initially i was finding myself in very awkward position when somebody tells me to write something. I was a complete struggler when i was in my 3rd standard. I was developed as a writer by my mother only. actually whatever good things (academically) i do now in my day to day life is taught by my mother. She taught me how to face the fear -- stage fear,competition fear, fear of any kind. etc...
My father is a great boon when i look back my life as he taught me how to combat jealousy .
I respect him as my father. I thanked GOD to give him as my father.
I know the world will never know the goodness of him , but i will definitely highlight his charismatic effect in my life one day..
The main point here is whenever they try to teach us(me and my brother) they really imbibe those things on themselves first.

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