Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bytes on Life.

I actually was writing for another blog( but, later I think it will best fitted to this category .My thoughts are flowing like growing river. That is why I never satisfied with my ending , as I always overwhelmed by thoughts and ideas while ending any writing session.(instead of the starting)

Though it is named as daily digest, I could not stick to its meaning. I can not write daily.. What stops me?I don't know exactly.Same situation occurs to many who likes to write & be recognized.Many obstacles are there, but we are supposed to overcome those.Managing everyday hurdles to achieve your daily goals is the only way to live happily I think.
We are normally confused between our future security with our present happiness.We miss the opportunity to celebrate our existence now and always try to secure and guaranty our unknown future which is as uncertain as the position of electron in an atom.This is surely not to showcase my physics knowledge to you , I mean here only that when we think of future ,nothing wrong with that -We all should think of and be concerned .But, to live in the present we should not be obsessive about our future.
There is no certain way to go about life except human being following humanity as their main religion.I feel proud to be thinking of this. But, when we try to implement this in our real life , life offers you great challenges to counter. Nobody was already prepared for it, but if we put the basics right ,then we never fail or loose hope in our life. Life offers failure -means you have your unique way for a success,Go and achieve it.
And if life offers you success -means you have to grab it gracefully until life scratches it from you..
Ok for now .

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