Friday, August 21, 2009

Mishaps-A cyclic process?

I really don't know why some days  seem to be so gloomy out there.Because of incidents which we don't desire.
Day before yesterday I fell down while working and on that same day my neighbour ,who is my batch mate here,also met with some minor accident during duty.It is just a coincidence or what?
I did not care about the sprain I receive by the twist of my ankle but  3 hrs later I find myself miserable.I have to go to hospital as i can't bear the pain at all.It was a sever sprain doctor reported.
One year before aprrox in the same time my wife got injured in her right thumb.It was so severe that she had to undergo nail-removal operation.It was pathetic .I was feeling her pain but could not do anything to soothe her.That was really horrible for me. I hated blood for years. But when I stand near her for her nail operation, I saw the whole bloody thing in front my eyes. I could not let my wife to see those things although she was insisting-crying out of pain .
I drifted away from my topic perhaps.Today again , when I am recovering from my sprain, my neighbour's son had fallen from TV stand (low height),and started crying for hours.To find out what happens to him took us half an hour as he is too small to speak for himself.After doctor's consultation it found out to be  a joint dislocation case .So after his cure he is now ok, his father is also ok with his small accident . I am recovering fast. Tomorrow I may join duty.
So some days  are really bad for some reasons.And so coincidental that we forced to ponder a little.But still I believe that it is not a cyclic process or coincidental ,it just happens once in a while just to remind us to be careful(Watch Your Steps).

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